Supermoon Family
Supermoon operates contractors, wholesale and retail distribution business in Hong Kong, Macau and China under the following subsidiaries.
Hong Kong
Supermoon Limited
Supermoon Limited provides electrical and data solutions for large and medium constructions, electricity and material contractors, as well as maintenance repair operations.
Wing Kwong Electrical Co. Ltd.
Wing Kwong Electrical Co. Ltd. joined the Supermoon family in 2005. Wing Kwong works closely with global brands and local business partners on products wholesale and distribution.
Hip Tung Cables Co., Ltd.
Supermoon acquired majority stake in Hip Tung Cables Co., Ltd. in 2014. Hip Tung is an expert in power cables distribution for 20 years and the sole distributor of Nexans power cables in Hong Kong.
Electric Fever (Macau) Ltd.
Electric Fever (Macau) Ltd. provides electrical equipment and solutions to contractors, retail distributors, electricity installers and maintenance and repair operations in Macau.